Smoke and Mirrors Of The UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma

This week I'm talking to Ronald Kinsella about his book 'Illusions: Smoke and Mirrors Of The UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma'.In this book, Ronald Kinsella questions the validity of a number of alien, UFO and cryptid reports which range from the unusual, to the very bizarre, throughout the world.  This interrogation is not based on their authenticity, rather, questioning a much darker aspect to their origins and of a seemingly fragmented phenomena.Is it just possible we have been duped by something else?  Something far more sinister?  Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious?  Has it also employed its tactics through the likes of Scrying, CE-5 Initiatives, along with the Ouija Board?  And is ‘Skin Walker Ranch,’ –  a hotspot for paranormal activity –  being used as its playground, knowing that interest of it has certainly arisen?Are we looking at a thing which is as bizarre as the very cosmos itself, and of which understands us and our history to the point of disbelief?Ronald attests that these are merely ideas, and that the reasons concluded certainly do sway strongly towards anonimous and calculated addition to planet Earth.  He wagers that his own encounters, perhaps like many, have been instigated by a clever trickster, and of which selects people for a reason he contemplates within the very pages of this book.About the author:Ronald Kinsella is an artist, illustrator and author.  He has written numerous books, including science fiction for the mainstream media, some of which are also illustrated by him.  He also jointly hosts a paranormal radio show, ‘TWIN SOULS’ along with his identical twin brother, which is part of a global network.  He has also appeared on national television. Amazon link a supporter of this podcast:

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Are we being visited by aliens? Are there craft in our skies that perform manoeuvres beyond human technology? Do people get abducted by ETs? My mission is to investigate all things that are part of the wider the UFO phenomena. Each week I look into a different aspect of this fascinating field and go in depth into the evidence that is all around us. I am looking at UFO sightings, alien abduction, historic cases and other related phenomena. I interview researchers in the field and people who have had very real experiences.Become a supporter of this podcast: