003 How to Manifest Your Business Goals
Have you ever set a goal you were absolutely PUMPED to manifest, only to look back on your journal 3 months later and say: “what ever happened to this?” What makes some business goals manifest easily while others never see the light of day? I want to help you understand exactly how to set and pursue goals in a way that reduces your stress and optimizes your results so you can stop beating yourself up and sabotaging your success. What You’ll Learn: - How to set business goals that actually manifest - Why some goals manifest and others don’t - The benefits of setting “slam dunk micro goals” - What it means to take productive, aligned action - The difference between a goal and a dream - How to stay focused and assess your progress It’s time to take the guesswork out of setting and achieving your business goals so you can step confidently into your role as CEO (no matter the size of your business) and make the impact and income you’re here to make! Resources: - Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kelly.mosser/ - My website https://kellymosser.com/