029 Make Your Biz "Recession Resilient" Part 2 (Plus a BIG Announcement!)
Is there a recession coming? Like I said in our last episode, I don't know. But if it is, I want you to feel super confident about what a recession could mean for your business. None of us operates in a vacuum. And although financial experts can't predict the timing of any recession accurately, it can't hurt to be in the know just in case things go south. Tune in to learn three more strategies you can use to build a recession-proof business and prepare yourself and your business for what the future holds. What You'll Learn: - Is there a recession on the way? - How to build a recession-proof business - The benefits of knowing how your customers make and spend their money - Positioning your business as an essential service - How to properly articulate the value of your business - How to guarantee some consistent revenue if we do get into a recession - The benefits of being super strategic about your offers. So much of the economic and financial news is written by boring dudes for other boring dudes. This means all the information about financials is written or explained in ways we struggle to understand. With this in mind, I'll be piloting a weekly newsletter exclusively for business owners called Boring Shit. It's an easy-to-digest, fun-to-read newsletter that will help you understand what's going on in the economy, and what you can do about it so that you can thrive right on through it. Resources: - Subscribe to my new weekly newsletter, Boring Sh*t, that breaks down the most important (and boring) financial headlines every business owner needs to understand https://work.kellymosser.com/newsletter - Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kelly.mosser/ - My website https://kellymosser.com/