037 Why Podcast GUESTING is More Profitable than Podcast HOSTING
If you’ve found yourself wondering “where the heck are my ideal clients” as you’re waiting for your ideal clients to like your social media content, slide into your DMs, and beg you to take their money… I’ve got news for you: your ideal clients aren’t sitting at home scrolling through reels for help. They’re listening to podcasts to get educated! When most people realize this, their first instinct is to say: “Sweet! I guess I’ll start my podcast!” But NOT so fast. Before you dive all-in to podcast hosting, there’s another (more profitable, more efficient) strategy you need to try first. What You’ll Learn: - Why podcast guesting is more profitable than podcast hosting - The rapid rise of the podcasting space - How to get started with podcast guesting - The benefits of being on other people’s shows - How to grow your business through podcast guesting - The road to becoming a thought leader in your space - How to define your primary message - Myths about building a podcast from scratch If you’d like to get in on the podcasting craze without all the stress and expenses of running your own podcast, I’ve got good news for you. The Hell Yes Podcast Guesting Course is coming soon. In it, I’ll take you through the exact steps you need to land podcast guest opportunities, become a thought leader, position yourself as an authority, and drive revenue to your business. Resources: - Join the Hell Yes Podcast Guesting Course Here: http://work.kellymosser.com/course - Send me a message on Instagram and let me know your takeaways from this episode! https://www.instagram.com/kelly.mosser/ - Check out my website https://kellymosser.com/