085 3 Tweaks to Increase Your Email Open Rate to 50%+

Let’s get your emails opened 50% of the time or more!   In this episode, I’m breaking down 3 huge opportunities for small business owners to skyrocket your open rates. I’m also sharing the subject lines of two of my most opened emails so you can snag the templates! You’ll learn: 3 common things that could be keeping you from 50%+ open rate How to craft a subject line that conveys the right emotion and energy to a reader than inspires them to find out what’s inside How to strike a balance so your subject lines convey intrigue without feeling like spammy clickbait (yuck!) What you should try if you send recurring emails to announce new podcast episodes, blog posts, or a weekly newsletter The one thing people NEVER want to see in a subject line My top-opened emails stand out in my subscribers’ inboxes If you’d like to hop on my email list so you can get inspo for your own email marketing, download my guide for 7 Proven Strategies to Find 30 Aligned Podcasts to Guest On! http:work.kellymosser.com/pitch-list

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The Aligned Success Show is for intuitive entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create more impact and financial freedom with alignment, ease and flow. You have a bigger mission and are ready to shift paradigms and drive positive change in the world. You're a healer, coach, consultant or strategist tired of being on the edge of burn out. You have what it takes to create a life and business you love, you just need to understand the spirit, science & strategy to alchemize resistance and step into your next level of higher self success. You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to feel inspired with a clear path ahead. Hosted by Kelly Mosser, an Aligned Success Coach and Consultant with a killer intuition, a passion for neuroscience, and a background in operations and strategy for corporate and startup companies, this show will help you to move through resistance and self-sabotage so you can activate Aligned Success in your business.