200: Do Pet Snakes Recognize Their Owners? | Rex Colubra - AAH

This episode of the podcast celebrates the 200th episode of the Animals at Home podcast! The episode features guest, Rex Colubra, who discusses his experience with successfully cohabbing snakes for over 30 years. Rex talks about guidelines for successfully cohabbing snakes, including the importance of enclosure size, cleanliness, and monitoring stress levels. Rex also shares insights into his unique bond with his snakes, noting the mutual trust and respect that has developed between them. Rex discusses the role of trust, patience, and calmness in fostering a bond with reptiles and other creatures. The conversation highlights the individual personalities and preferences of animals, as well as the benefits of creating a natural and enriching environment for them. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into cohabbing snakes and developing meaningful connections with animals. SHOW NOTES: https://www.animalsathomenetwork.com/200-rex-colubra/ WE DISCUSS: 0:00 Coming Up 3:26 Welcome Rex - Quick Background 5:17 Going Viral - Swimming with Elvis the Smallmouth Bass 10:20 Boa Enclosure & Cohabbing Boas 20:40 When Cohabbing Goes Wrong & How To Have Success 39:45 Is Cohabbing Beneficial for the Snakes? 47:48 Rex's Bond With His Snakes - How To Bond With Snakes 1:22:28 Rules for Cohabbing Reptiles 1:33:08 Closing Thoughts 1:34:38 Outro LINKS FROM THE EPISODE: CHECK OUT Custom Reptile Habitats HERE  https://www.instagram.com/the_all_animal_channel/ https://www.tiktok.com/@rex_colubra Support, Subscribe  & Follow: CHECK OUT Custom Reptile Habitats CLICK HERE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST NETWORK: SPOTIFY► https://spoti.fi/2UG5NOI Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/animalsathome Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnimalsatHomeChannel Follow on Instagram: @animalsathomeca

Om Podcasten

Exploring ethical captive management of reptiles & amphibians through the lens of biological science, conservation, and human nature. The Animals at Home Network is a herpetoculture-based podcast network that hosts: Animals at Home Podcast by Dillon Perron, Project Herpetoculture by Phillip Lietz and Roy Arthur Blodgett, Reptiles & Research Podcast by Liam Sinclair and Ellie Hills, and Animals Everywhere by Bryce Broom. Each show on the network brings all members of the reptile community together to discuss reptile husbandry, scientific research, breeding, wildlife conservation, and more!