Weekend Edition: The ICJ charges, Florida bans dictionaries, Trump and Nikki Haley, and how racism shaped the opioid epidemic.

Hello and welcome back to the Anti-Racism Daily. Today's edition highlights our recommended reading from this week. Here are links to each article mentioned.We’d love to hear your reflections on today’s episode - email us at hello@antiracismdaily.com. Include the title of this edition in the subject line.This podcast uses computer-generated audio. Inconsistencies may occur. This podcast is made possible by our community of donors and partners. If you enjoyed today’s session, consider making a...

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Today's news and action items for a more equitable tomorrow. Hosted by Nicole Cardoza. Five minutes a day, seven days a week, ready by 6am EST. Subscribe to our daily newsletter at subscribe.the-ard.com and follow us on social media @ardtakeaction.