A Scientific Look at Intuition and Tarot Symbolism with Siddharth Ramakrishnan, PhD

Today's guest is a Neuroscientist and Tarot Deck creator. His deck, NeuroTarot, currently only includes the Majors, but they evoke wonderful insight. Listen to the second half of our conversation where we continue the discussion of karma, understand Hox Genes, and explore a few of Siddharth’s tarot cards where he draws parallels between functions of the brain and The Wheel Fortune, The Empress, the Tower, and more. You can stream it below. Check out the deck NeuroTarot or explore ...

Om Podcasten

This podcast is dedicated to anything and everything magical. If you're curious to know more about the psychic arts and the unseen world, or if you're fully immersed in all things "woo woo" and witchy, this is a podcast you'll want to follow. The host, Vanessa, is a psychic and Tarot reader, budding astrologer, and an occult enthusiast. She wanted to create a show that would both inform and entertain those who enjoy mystical conversation. Season 1 is all about Tarot, so get out your decks and join in.