No Limits: How Reframing Your Mindset Can Recharge Your Photography Business with Heather Lahtinen

Entrepreneurs, photographers included, tend to get in their own way. Doubt creeps in, limiting beliefs take over, burnout rears its ugly head, and you’re stuck. Not working the hours you want, not serving the clients you want, not making the money you want.In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Heather Lahtinen, whose goal and passion is to help photographers make money doing what they love without succumbing to burnout and limiting beliefs. She’s sharing how to discover your limiting beliefs, five tips for avoiding burnout, how to change your mindset around stress, and the three beliefs that will help you take action toward a successful business.What’s in this episode:[02:25] How Heather started out, her passion for helping people make money doing what they love, and how she helps photographers get out of their own way [13:31] How to discover your limiting beliefs, and how to build up your belief in your passions[20:17] The circumstances that keep leading us to burnout and Heather’s five tips for avoiding it[30:07] Why Heather doesn’t use the word “overwhelm,” how to move through stress and take action, and reframing your mindset to tell a different story about what stress means[35:51] Heather’s belief triad that will help you run a successful business, and how these beliefs are interconnected  Tune in to this episode with Heather Lahtinen to get inspiration for beating burnout, overcoming limiting beliefs, and mastering your mindset for good!For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, visit our website: your spot for the 2023 Online Newborn Retreat: if you love this episode, share it with a friend! Thanks, beautiful friends!

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Welcome to the Art and Soul Show where we dive heart-opening chats on photography, business, life and that messy in-between. You're more than a photographer. You're an artist, a dreamer, a business boss, and a creative. Listen in for conversations and advice on running a photography business, mindset, and creativity. This is the place you can go when you need a boost of encouragement, a kick in the pants, and inspiration to pick up your camera.