The Dangerous Creative: Success Frameworks, Core Values, and Income Diversification for Your Photography Business with Kristin Sweeting

The ebbs and flows of entrepreneurial life are constant, and balancing them can often be tricky. Finding alignment in your career while generating profits that support your lifestyle—that’s the dream. And today’s guest helps her mentees and students to make that dream into a reality.I’m chatting with Kristin Sweeting, wedding photographer turned coach for entrepreneurs and the founder of Dangerous Creatives. She’s sharing how to find fulfillment in your business by aligning it with your values, how passive income streams can be a boost to your business, how to recenter when things feel out of alignment, and the success frameworks that she has created for her students to stay true to themselves.What’s in this episode:[02:31] Kristin’s approach with her students to a fulfilled and aligned career that generates great profits, and the importance of normalizing burnout and making your health a priority[07:32] Building a business as a single parent, how passive income streams can help diversify your income and take some pressure off[15:20] How to overcome imposter syndrome and shift your mindset, and understanding what you can control (and what you can’t)[20:03] Kristin’s definition of success, how a core values exercise will help you hone in on what’s most valuable to you, and what to do when things feel out of alignment[32:12] How Kristin’s Dangerous Creatives framework helps her mentees growTune in to this episode with Kristin Sweeting to get inspiration for generating multiple income streams while prioritizing your values!For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, visit our website: your spot for the 2023 Online Newborn Retreat: what makes you stand out as a photographer with our free quiz, What’s YOUR Photography Superpower:

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Welcome to the Art and Soul Show where we dive heart-opening chats on photography, business, life and that messy in-between. You're more than a photographer. You're an artist, a dreamer, a business boss, and a creative. Listen in for conversations and advice on running a photography business, mindset, and creativity. This is the place you can go when you need a boost of encouragement, a kick in the pants, and inspiration to pick up your camera.