E278 | Victor Hall: Quiet Influence - How to Impact Others as an Introvert

“Leadership isn’t for me.  I’m naturally introverted, quiet, and shy - no one would ever listen to me.” Although this isn’t a direct quote, it’s a common excuse we hear from coaches, leaders, and business owners alike as to why they can’t (or won’t) lead or have the impact they want on those around them.  And to put it bluntly, this topic doesn’t get the amount of discussion it deserves. That’s why in today’s episode Victor Hall, VP of Operations at EXOS, provides insight on his own experience pursuing impactful leadership as an introvert.  Together, we explore how to influence others, navigate different conversational styles and break through the barriers of shyness.  Victor Hall has spent over 20 years training athletes, leading performance teams, and educating fellow coaches and trainers. During that time, he has worked within collegiate, private facilities, and military environments. Victor joined EXOS in 2010 as a Performance Manager of a Human Performance Program for the Department of Defense, and currently serves as the Vice President of Operations at EXOS. We cover a few key components that make up this pursuit of effective leadership, including: The secrets of making an impact as an introvert (10:45) How self awareness contributes to leadership and creating a lasting impact (13:40 & 46:20) Where his natural tendencies haven’t served him in the past (15:55) What he does to embrace authenticity instead of trying to “fix” himself (1:09:25) Related Resources:  E202: Why Facts & Logic Don’t Change Our Minds E227: Stu McMillan: No B.S. Leadership Lessons from an Olympic Coach E240: The 4 Styles of Communication How to Connect with Coach Hall: vhall@teamexos.com Podcast Partners: The Art of Coaching Apprenticeship Workshop: Making an impact as an introvert is only one of the overwhelming number of constraints we may face as we navigate the messy realities of leadership.  If this is a skill you’d like to develop, or if you know someone who struggles with this, The Apprenticeship is the place to go. We won’t waste your time with any inspirational ‘rah-rah’ fluff, or just tell you to keep grinding.  We will give you tactical tools and strategies - specific skills to work on and methods to practice them.  And on top of the information, we give you practice and feedback you need to start making progress NOW.  Our Early Bird Discount for our Sioux Falls, SD workshop ENDS June 26th, so don’t miss out!  Save $150 and sign up today HERE. In addition, our most recent live event discounts offer students 40% off, and military & first responders 10% off.  These offers are here to stay, so be sure to reach out to us HERE for your customized discount code!  BetterHelp: Today’s episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. At some level, we all struggle with unexpected challenges in life. BetterHelp is an accessible, convenient, private, and affordable therapy option to help you look at your problems a little differently, feel less stressed, and gain confidence. Visit BetterHelp.com/AOC for 10% off your first month. Manscaped:  As our newest sponsor, Manscaped came in as the unexpected hero during the chaos of our recent move.  I needed something easy to use and convenient that was going to keep me clean cut and ready to approach my day, no matter what unexpected calls or meetings came up.  And with Father’s Day approaching quickly, what better gift to give than the highest quality set of men’s grooming products? You don’t have much time, so visit Manscaped.com TODAY and get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code AOCMAN20.

Om Podcasten

Hosted by best-selling author, speaker and performance coach Brett Bartholomew, the Art of Coaching Podcast is a weekly show aimed at getting to the core of what it takes to change attitudes & behaviors in the weight-room, boardroom and everywhere in between.