The Anxiety of Joy- with Laura McKowen

What is that anxious voice that interrupts the best moments of life? What actually makes us happier?Laura McKowen inspires people to say yes to a bigger life after addiction. She’s the author of the forthcoming memoir, We Are The Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life (Dec. 2019), and has been featured on WebMD, The New York Post, Bravo, and the TODAY show. She writes an internationally recognized, award-winning blog, is the host of two Top 100 iTunes podcasts, and leads sold-out retr...

Om Podcasten

The Art of Growth started by Joel Hubbard and Jim Zartman works with teams to develop Team Health and individuals for self-mastery and social awareness. We are an IEA (International Enneagram Association) school for Enneagram Certification. With organizations, we have a detailed roadmap to change the culture of your team and improve communication, conflict, trust, and personality