Vedic Astrology

Ashish is the trusted Vedic Astrologer I have been working with since 2016. He’s guided me around timings for buying and selling businesses as well as explanations for why things have gone the way they have! I’ve also used Ashish to provide Vedic readings for clients and always fascinated by what comes up. In this interview I feel that I got the feeling of just how much Ashish is a true healer, that truly comes from a place of love, interweaving his intuition and always following his path. Ashish provides written readings as well as zoom sessions. For a long time I have only contacted Ashish with questions (since my full reading) and had him respond in a message, but after this interview I decided to do a zoom session and interact more so that I could tap into his intuition and let his answers flow a little more. To contact Ashish for a reading (based in Bali but operates online)… You can whatsapp him +62 822 3665 1836 Or email… He will need your place of birth (State/town and country) date of birth, time of birth (if you don’t know this give him an approximate or chat with him, but don’t let not knowing this hold you back). You can request a full reading, or if you have a specific question you want answered then you can opt for this. His website is Watch the episode on Youtube: HERE Subscribe on iTunes CLICK HERE Subscribe on Spotify CLICK HERE Subscribe on YouTube for the video visual versions CLICK HERE We always appreciate a 5-star rating, review, or for you to share with your friends. To find out more about Jin For group courses and trainings

Om Podcasten

Jin Ong is medical intuitive, pattern hunter, theme breaker and messenger of truth. Trained professionally as an osteopath, psychosomatic therapist, western medical acupuncturist and herbalist. She has worked with thousands of clients. She started two bricks and mortar clinics she later went on to sell to move into the online space as a coach + mentor. She is the creator of the Release Process ® and host of The Art Of Listening To Your Body Podcast. Jin works with complex physical and emotional conditions that don’t respond to traditional or conventional therapies, including surgery. Her work also includes those with cancer, autoimmune conditions and fertility issues. She is a strong believer that your body is a manifestation of your emotional state. The experiences, events and traumas in your life are associated with an emotion that wants to be expressed and released at the time. If you don’t know how to express or rather you suppress because that emotion is inconvenient, it gets stored in your body as a source of stress. You can compensate until you can’t anymore. When it all gets too much, your body presents with physical issues: pain, injury, illness, disease; mental imbalances: anxiety, depression that overtakes your life and fears and phobias; behavioural dysfunction: addiction, excess control and discipline; as well as recurring issues playing out in your life. You don’t need to end up at this crisis point. Jin weaves in the practical and the woo to intuitively read your body and decipher the messages it has for you. Most importantly she facilitates a deeply cathartic and transformational process to empty out your emotional cup, create space for more and manifest the life you truly desire. She loves to dig deep, speak about the unspoken, and help you process unresolved emotions that hold them back from living the life you truly want. It all starts with getting comfortable with discomfort and speaking about the unspoken.