201 Don't Miss on the Amateur Side--in Golf and Sales

There's a saying in golf that when a golfer doesn't have the skill or confidence to aim and trust a putt by hitting to the higher side of cup's elevation, that they "missed on the amateur side." A similar correlation can be made in sales situations when the sales rep doesn't dig deep enough with their questions and takes the easy way out. Hear what you should do instead to turn more conversations into sales.

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Everyone sells, regardless of what your job title is, and this is your place for authentic, conversational sales and prospecting tips without the sleaze factor. Art Sobczak shares proven sales and cold calling (without the cold) tips that you’ll feel comfortable using, and that get the results you want. You’ll help people buy, instead of pushing them into being sold. Over the past 30 years Art has helped hundreds of thousands through his books, newsletters, audios, videos, online courses, public seminars, customized company training and keynotes, and now, this podcast.