203 How to Not Be Creepy When Using Sales Intel

To be relevant in today's noise-filled sales world, we need to customize and personalize our messaging so it is all about the prospect and customer. Some say that is being creepy. It could be, when used the wrong way. You'll hear the right way, along with examples, to make your messaging stand out, and engage prospects and customers.

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Everyone sells, regardless of what your job title is, and this is your place for authentic, conversational sales and prospecting tips without the sleaze factor. Art Sobczak shares proven sales and cold calling (without the cold) tips that you’ll feel comfortable using, and that get the results you want. You’ll help people buy, instead of pushing them into being sold. Over the past 30 years Art has helped hundreds of thousands through his books, newsletters, audios, videos, online courses, public seminars, customized company training and keynotes, and now, this podcast.