74: The Most Interesting Tech of CES 2021

In this week’s episode, Nick and Brett chat about some of the most interesting pieces of tech from this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES). From smart masks to robots to transparent TV’s, this year’s CES had it all! Nick and Brett also talk about how some of the concept tech introduced by Samsung, LG, and GM signal where their companies are heading with a greater focus on AI, in-home tech, and sustainable transportation. Follow The Artificial Podcast on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theartificialpodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/theartificialp YouTube: https://bit.ly/3bC2Sw2 Follow Nick On: LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-myers-0794/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/therednickm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therednickm/ Join our Artificial Podcaster’s Facebook Group by heading to https://www.facebook.com/groups/artificialpodcasters If you or anyone you know is interested in being a guest on The Artificial Podcast send an email to theartificialpodcast@redfox-ai.com.

Om Podcasten

The Artificial Podcast is a weekly podcast series that breaks down trending topics in the world of emerging technology. Our goal is to help everyone understand how emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Voice, Blockchain, IoT, Robotics, Space Tech, and many more are impacting our lives each and every day. We also interview emerging technology leaders and experts from around the world who are actively working with these technologies to ensure that they help us make life better for every human being on Earth. The Artificial Podcast is brought to you by RedFox AI.