E103: Inside Specialization – Dental Translation

When it comes to healthcare, not everyone considers the uniqueness of dentistry in terms of the training and expertise it requires from dentists and hygienists. This distinction manifests itself through the language used in the field, which requires careful research and attention to translate effectively. As well, dentistry tends to be on the forefront of medical advancements, meaning new treatments and terminology develop frequently.   In this episode of Inside Specialization, Anne Conner speaks with Mario Muchacho, DDS, about how he pursued a career in dentistry but wasn't enthusiastic about all aspects of the practice. Eventually, Mario found that his true calling was to work as a translator within this field. Learn how Mario made the transition, what he's learned and experienced, what he would have done differently, and more on this episode of the ATA Podcast!   Show Notes: Mario's Dental Translation Blog: https://dentalanguage.com/teethtalk-blog?page=1 ADA Glossary of Clinical Dental Terms: https://www.ada.org/publications/cdt/glossary-of-dental-clinical-terms CDC Glossary of Terms for Infection Prevention and Control in Dental Settings: https://www.cdc.gov/dental-infection-control/hcp/summary/index.html Colgate Dental Translator Tool: https://www.colgateprofessional.com/patient-education/dental-translator-tool# Colgate Oral Health Network (Dental CE Courses/Webinars): https://www.colgateoralhealthnetwork.com/ P&G Dental CE Platform: https://www.dentalcare.com/en-us For more resources provided by Mario: https://www.atanet.org/podcast/e103-inside-specialization-dental-translation/   Join ATA: https://www.atanet.org/member-center/join-ata/ The ATA Podcast Archive: https://www.atanet.org/news/the-ata-podcast/ ATA Events Calendar: https://www.atanet.org/ata-events/ ATA Socials: https://linkin.bio/americantranslatorsassn    Please send comments, questions, or requests about this podcast to podcast@atanet.org. Thank you for listening!   Audio Production: Derek Platts | Technical Support: Trenton Morgan

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ATA is a professional association founded to advance the translation and interpreting professions and foster the professional development of individual translators and interpreters.