Atheist Experience 23.11 2019-03-17 with Tracie Harris & Don Baker

On Todays show:Support the show March issue of the Thinking Aloud magazine is out! FORUM-THE ATHEIST YOUTUBE CONFERENCE, April 27, 2019 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM CST 5938 Skillman St. Dallas, TX 75231https://faithlessforum.comAmerican Atheists convention April 19-21 in Cincinnati OhioFailures in the News: -United Methodist split-Catholic Church abuse investigation-Southern Baptist sex scandalCaller: Kenny - What is your opinion on Ephesians 5:22 and 5:23 and free speech?Caller: Traci - Indoctrination and shared experiences. Caller: RAO- Double Slit experiment proves the existence of god. Caller: Mitch- Sleep paralysis and people tell him it's a sign from god.Caller: Thomas- How to get through to apologetics, is it even possible?Caller: Jeff- What is the best way to "come out", and should I even do it?Caller: Terri- How do you know there is not a higher power?If you would like to continue the conversation, join the ACA DISCORD and hang out with other fans! a supporter of this podcast:

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The Atheist Experience is a weekly show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist and atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.We define atheism as the lack of belief in gods. This definition also encompasses what most people call agnosticism.Become a supporter of this podcast: