La condición de nuestro planeta con Fernando Valladres

Fernando Valladares nos explica que quiere decir que hayamos superado el límite planetario del agua verde, cuales son las sinergías entre los distintos cambios que se estàn produciendo a causa del cambio climàtico, la pérdida de biodiversidad o la contaminación y como estàn luchando contra ello desde el mundo científico desde movimientos como science revelion.   Learn more with The Athlete Climate Academy at   And find all of Fernandos work at

Om Podcasten

In a natural environment where so many athletes spend so many hours, there is so much to know. The Athlete Climate Academy podcast, hosted by Kilian Jornet and Huw James, aims to bring science closer to athletes in an easy and friendly way. At a time when climate change is advancing unabated, we need to provide the tools and knowledge of what climate change means globally and locally. Understanding the effects of climate change on ecosystems and becoming aware of what we can do to reduce our footprint. For the transition to sustainability, knowledge is as important as a good attitude.