Korra 3-3: The Skull of Monk Gyatso

This week finally brings us some information on the motivation of the Red Lotus! The four baddies attempt to capture Korra twice, and the airbenders struggle to adjust to their new lives! Check out the full shownotes below:

* Listener Answers
* Discussion of the following episodes from The Legend of Korra – Book 3: Change:

-Original Airbenders
-The Terror Within
-The Stakeout

* Weekly Feels
* Listener Question

Twitter: @avatarstatepod
Email: contact@farfarawayradio.com
Hosted by Mallory, Austin, Meg, and Jonathan. Music by The Track Team.

Om Podcasten

Meg. Jonathan. Austin. Mallory.

We had many great episodes, but sadly, our time watching The Last Airbender came to an end. And like the cycle of the Avatar continued with Korra, the cycle of our podcast began anew.

Only the Avatar State can master all four seasons of The Legend of Korra and bring balance back to the podcasting world.