How to Be an Ambassador For Trust

Being intentional about your choices in animal training and behavior, the shortcuts you take or don’t take in your relationships with people and animals all make up a mosaic that is our behavioral repertoire and learning evolution. How much that we recognize how our actions impact future decisions for the individuals around us makes us better animal trainers and more cognizant, inspirational leaders. Trust comes with honesty, and honesty comes with introspection and self reflection. This podcast ties in thoughts on being a business owner during the pandemic as well as putting together actionable steps for a building trust in a relationship with your bird for a huge toolkit and incredible behaviors.  

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If you are into animal behavior and positive reinforcement training, you're in the right spot. World renown animal behavior consultant, falconer, and educator Hillary Hankey dives deep with conversations and case studies on parrots, birds of prey as well as horses, dogs and all kinds of animals on topics of behavior as well as nutrition, ethology, and problem solving.