Episode 114: "I hate you!"

In this episode of The Aware Parenting Podcast, Lael has a solo chat about what we can do when our children say ‘I hate you!’ She talks about what we can do at that moment, why we have reactions to these words and how we can find our centre to be present. Lael also discusses the reason behind these words and outbursts and how we can support our children in these moments with calm and compassion. Please come over to our Facebook page, or find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast You can find Marion at www.marionrose.net and Lael at www.laelstone.com.au And if you haven’t already, would you be willing to subscribe to the podcast so we can show up in your podcast feed? 
 We’re sending you much love and compassion in your parenting journey. Marion and Lael xoxo

Om Podcasten

The Aware Parenting Podcast is based on Aware Parenting which was created by Aletha Solter, PhD. Marion Rose, PhD is a level two Aware Parenting instructor and the regional coordinator for Australia and New Zealand. The podcast explores all aspects of parenting and reparenting from an Aware Parenting perspective.