Episode 158: What gets in the way of children's innate body wisdom with food

After the last episode, I felt called to share more details about how things get in the way of children's innate body wisdom. If our aim is wanting our child to make the most optimal food choices based on their bodily sensations as well as information from us and from their own prior experience about whether they enjoyed the food and how they felt afterwards, then knowing what can get in the way of that can be helpful, whilst also being compassionate with ourselves that we live in a culture that is set against us being deeply connected with our bodies and that it's hard not to be part of that. I talk about a number of different things, such as shaming, food as rewards, advertising, family stress around meals, shoulding, using food to suppress feelings, past trauma, powerlessness and lots more, and each case, I include suggestions for how we can ameliorate these effects. I also offer parents to practice lots of self-compassion, attachment play and presence. My next book, 'I'm Here and I'm Listening' is coming out soon, and The Aware Parenting Virtual Village 2.0 is opening soon too! Keep an eye out on my socials or sign up for information about the early bird here: http://eepurl.com/8ifhn

Om Podcasten

The Aware Parenting Podcast is based on Aware Parenting which was created by Aletha Solter, PhD. Marion Rose, PhD is a level two Aware Parenting instructor and the regional coordinator for Australia and New Zealand. The podcast explores all aspects of parenting and reparenting from an Aware Parenting perspective.