Episode 218: I'm sending you love on Valentine's Day

This is another episode about reparenting with The Marion Method. It's not about Aware Parenting. In this episode, which I recorded on Valentine's Day 2025, I share how you can use the Inner Beloved Practice or connecting with the Soul Version of your partner or ex-partner. I also picked a card from my Loving Presences Oracle Cards for you, and spoke some Inner Beloved phrases to you. If you want to learn more about The Marion Method, you can do so on my Psychospiritual Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-psychospiritual-podcast/id1344385341 You can find out more about my work at www.marionrose.net and my books at: https://marionrose.net/books/ You can also find me here: https://www.instagram.com/theawareparentingpodcast/ https://www.instagram.com/_marion_rose_/ https://www.instagram.com/awareparenting/ www.facebook.com/MarionRosePhD

Om Podcasten

The Aware Parenting Podcast is based on Aware Parenting which was created by Aletha Solter, PhD. Marion Rose, PhD is a level two Aware Parenting instructor and the regional coordinator for Australia and New Zealand. The podcast explores all aspects of parenting and reparenting from an Aware Parenting perspective.