Episode 476 - Azure HDInsight on AKS

Balaji Sankaran, General Manager of Azure HDInsight, joins us to share the latest announcement from HDInsight - an updated, managed HDInsight service that runs on AKS, giving a better experience for hosting opensource analytics workloads in the cloud.   Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode476.mp3 YouTube: https://youtu.be/RiQzpkZeT9c Resources: HD Insight on AKS: Manage your big data needs with HDInsight on AKS Enterprise scale open-source analytics on containers (Video) Get started with HDInsights on AKS Get in touch - Ask HDInsight Other news: Announcing Microsoft Playwright Testing: Scalable end-to-end testing for modern web apps The Microsoft Azure Incubations Team launches Radius, a new open application platform for the cloud

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Cynthia Kreng, Kendall Roden, Cale Teeter, Evan Basalik, Russell Young & Sujit D'Mello work at Microsoft in the cloud and services area. They specialize in building and supporting enterprise apps and services that leverage the cloud.