BPP The Passing of the Techno-mages #3: Invoking Darkness

Invoking Darkness was written by Jeanne Cavelos.  The story takes place starting in August 2260 through 2261, covering just five months.  As we discuss the third and final novel in the trilogy, it’s worth noting that the overarching story is tragic, … Continue reading →

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Babylon Project Podcast! Raul and Jim are going to be taking a journey through the wonders of Babylon 5 as they do a rewatch of the series to celebrate its 20th anniversary. You can find us at http://www.BabylonProjectPodcast.wordpress.com, on FaceBook at The Babylon Project Podcast or on iTunes. Just remember… No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow!