Messages From Narc Mom and Violent Dad

Sven holds a group session with Shannon and Teddy, both with horror stories of abuse from parents, medical providers, and others. Dead or alive, how much do your parents' messages affect your life? Can you ever be the real you? What if people = pain? What if your father punches you in the face for bad grades in middle school? Sven helps Shannon and Teddy deal with these questions, face their feelings, and find a way forward. Explicit content.

Om Podcasten

Sven Erlandson, TikTok star, best-selling author & founder of BadassCounseling (NYC), is a CEO-whisperer & soul counselor, who kicks your ass, taking you to the dark places of life to finally heal into true ALIVENESS! Listen for new counseling sessions every Thursday, and Sven's responses to his followers' questions every Sunday. Explicit content.