Q&A: Recovering From Cheating, Being Your Authentic Self, and Much More

It's Lightning Round 67! Sven never knows what questions will come, but he's always quick with the answers. Recorded during a live online session on multiple platforms, Sven tackles tons of tough issues including: How do I let go of toxic people like my ex-narc? How can I make the right career choice? Why do people discard you after they sabotage you? And much more. Please join us for more Q&A with Sven in Lightning Round LXVII! Explicit content.

Om Podcasten

Sven Erlandson, TikTok star, best-selling author & founder of BadassCounseling (NYC), is a CEO-whisperer & soul counselor, who kicks your ass, taking you to the dark places of life to finally heal into true ALIVENESS! Listen for new counseling sessions every Thursday, and Sven's responses to his followers' questions every Sunday. Explicit content.