EP10 - The "Incident" with Scotty , Dustin and Jimmy
Wuzzup broskies !! We are back from a much needed break and we are bringing Dustin and Jimmy from Jimmy's FOODIE Reviews with us. Join DaBiggityBomb and Scotty as we talk about how an ILL TIEMPO meeting goes off the rails VERY quick to talking food with Jimmy. Dustin and Jimmy hit it off talking about all kinds of different foods including Possum ?? Jimmy trying to figure out what tribe Dustin is from? We also learn about restaurants and Jimmy gives us advice on what restaurants to take a date to . All this and more here on the B.U.G. The Bakersfield Underground . Follow the B.U.G. on IG @thebugpodcast Check out Jimmy's YouTube show "Jimmy's FOODIE Reviews" and don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE Follow IBeIndustry on their IG and FB Page . BIG thank you to ILL Tiempo for letting us use the song "Intro". Follow them on IG @ill_tiempo and on FB - ILL Tiempo . Check them out on all music platforms for all there albums ! SIMON ! Follow your broskies @dabiggitybomb and @scotty_printing on IG