033: How to Help Your Partner When They are Triggered

Tell me if this has happened to you:You're with your family and the kids start squabbling or acting out and you can see your partner's blood start to boil. You can tell they are getting triggered and that their thoughts are going down a path that will lead them to start parenting outside of your goals and values...Have you been there?Me too! And it can be so hard to know what to do in the moment when you aren't the one who is triggered! On the one hand, you feel pulled to step in, to help out and take over from your partner... But on the other hand, you don't want to undermine them in front of the kids, right?In this episode, I will be pulling back the curtain a bit and sharing with you (with my husband's permission!) an experience where he was triggered over some jealousy between our kids over a piece of cake and how we handled it respectfully, AS A TEAM, without anyone feeling undermined.Find show notes for this episode here: www.laurafroyen.com/podcast

Om Podcasten

Parenting is often lived in the extremes. It’s either great joy or chaotic overwhelm. One moment you’re nailing it and the next you’re losing your cool. I want to help you find your way to the messy middle, to a place of balance. You see, balance is a verb, not a state of being. It is a thing you DO, not a thing you ARE. It’s an action, a process, a series of micro-corrections that we make, each and every day, to keep ourselves feeling centered. We are never truly balanced, we are engaged in the process of balancing.Hello, I’m Dr. Laura Froyen, and this is the Balancing Parenting Podcast, where overwhelmed, stressed-out, and disconnected parents go to find tools, mindset shifts, and practices to help them stop yelling at the people they love and start connecting all delivered with heaping doses of grace and compassion. Join me in conversations that will help you get clear on your goals and values and start showing up in your parenting, your relationships, YOUR LIFE, with open-hearted authenticity and balance.