Banana Byte: Zoom Privacy

Zoom conferencing software recently made headlines for its huge leaks in privacy and security, pushing a number of big corporations to block the software and push for new privacy legislation. During this Banana Byte session, we cover the things Zoom overlooked - and what it means for data privacy, usability, and user experience. During our off-season break, we'll be releasing more of these Banana Bytes - which are short, bi-weekly segments we run live on LinkedIn and Twitter, where we discus...

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Welcome to the Banana Data Podcast! We're a data science podcast focused on the latest & greatest of the DS ecosystem, sprinkled in with our musings & data science expertise. With topics ranging from ethical AI and transparency to robot pets, our hosts, Christopher Peter Makris & Corey Strausman, are here to keep you up to date on the latest trends, news, and big convos in data. If you're looking to keep the knowledge up, be sure to also subscribe to our weekly Banana Data Newsletter! Register here: