048. My Advice To Young Men Feeling Lost In Life

In this latest episode, I discuss this deep-rooted issue that's tearing apart our society and eroding our country. It’s an issue that's been brushed under the rug for far too long. Fatherless homes have been an unfortunate silent tormentor for countless individuals. Look, I've seen it firsthand, both in the young boys at the Squire Program and in many of the men at the MDK Project. And as men, it’s up to us to step up and address this issue head-on. Whether you had a father in your life or not, you have the ability to mentor yourself to greatness. JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge

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The official podcast of American entrepreneur Bedros Keuilian. A show that’s unapologetically unfiltered that will make you think, make you laugh and inspire you to become an even better human.