Business Lessons Learned With Navy Seal William Branum - 166
In this episode, you’ll discover how a combat navy seal, William Branum launched a successful CBC based company and how he overcame self-destruction on the way to personal success. Here’s what you’ll discover: 0:50 - Meet former Navy Seal William Branum and discover more about the Non-Profit he leads to help combat vets self heal and transform. 1:48 - How entrepreneurship is truly like being an athlete and why you need to view and treat yourself as a high-level athlete. 6:27 - Will shares how to prepare with and deal with stress as a leader. 22:04 - B opens up and shares how in his most trying times focusing on getting 10% better in a single area of life or business at a time leads to massive breakthroughs over time. 24:40 - See how Williams' product and company are different from the majority of competitors in his industry. Facebook marketing is still working better than ever before in 2020 and why testing big in the beginning is key. 40:10 - B and William discuss how PTSD is something that not only veterans are experiencing but how the majority of civilians and individuals like you may be experiencing it as well. 43:35 - Hear William share the top secret Navy Seal hacks on how to achieve success in your life. 45:27 Discover how William came up with the name Naked Warrior for his business name.