Tea Time Talk 3 - Privilege & The God Complex

Join Sarah as she discussed privilege, "manifestation", and the god-complex that permeates the yoga community with Emily Taggart.  You can connect with Emily at https://www.bewellyogini.com/ or on Instagram.  ABOUT EMILY TAGGARTYoga Teacher, Peacemaker, Mama, Wife, Friend, Student, Introvert, Traveler, Lover of Language….My name is Emily and I am here to hold a safe space for your yoga practice. Each experience you have with yoga should be one that helps you on your path to living well as a responsible citizen of this earth.I have been teaching yoga in the Sacramento area since 2010. Weaving together practices from traditional yoga and functional movement, each yoga experience with me is held together by a thread of intention and spirit. You will experience an invitation to move and rest at the pace of breath with modifications and props offered throughout instruction.Specializing in prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga, I offer classes and workshops to support mamas of all birthing and parenting philosophies.Share your own yoga stories today! Reach out to Sarah via any of the following links:instagram.com/tbmpodcastfacebook.com/thebeginnersmindpodcastsarahdittmore@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

A bi-weekly podcast about all things yoga-ish. Host Sarah Dittmore interviews a new guest each episode about a different yoga-themed topic. Expect a touch of cynicism, a healthy dose of judgment, a whole lot of questions, and just the right amount of laughter. This podcast is produced in partnership with Shut Up & Yoga.