3.1 Dr Mandy Leonhardt & Dr Hannah Short - Premature Ovarian Insufficiency and Early Menopause

Joining me on the podcast mic this week was not just one but two incredible women who are so passionate about supporting and educating women through menopause. So much so, that they together wrote a book about it! This weeks episode features Dr Mandy Leonhardt & Dr Hannah Short who co-authored The Complete Guide to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency and Early Menopause. Early menopause is so poorly understood, not just by the general public but indeed healthcare providers and policy makers so this this episode we discuss everything from understanding what exactly induced menopause (medical and surgical) is and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, the differences and tests / investigations that can be used to confirm or rule out as well as support for women including HRT options.

Om Podcasten

Over each season of The Best of Health Podcast, I cover topics broad and wide across all aspects that make up our health: from gut our microbiome, nutrigenomics, to chatting with food and supplement suppliers - it’s all on the table to discuss! Each episode provides insightful conversations with a varied scope of health care professionals, clinicians, researchers, functional medicine practitioners and industry leaders to open up the dialogue and inspire you.