A Double Feature From the Depths of Reddit

Today we hear about two different stories that were dug up from the depths of Reddit. In our first story we hear about OP's accidentally over powered bidet. 2 hours after the incident, OP still can't trust their farts. The second story we hear about is about someone who loves to donate blood, but has a mishap after a donation that makes them proceed with caution when donating in the future.

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Also, we now post Every. Single. Day. So check-in for more stories and content every day.While there are many rslash channels that read r/entitled parents stories and r/prorevenge from Reddit, each channel has its own way of performing them. We care out adding a real, human voice than can portray the characters in such a way We love our Reddit reading community and encourage everyone to check out other crazy characters like rSlash, Redditor, fresh, r/Bumfries, VoiceyHere, Storytime, Mr. Reddit, Darkfluff, and the other amazing people in this community. Putting good karma out there is what this is all about.We also love hearing from our community. Meaning if you have something you want us to read, please, drop us a comment down below. Reddit stories, reddit and chill, reddit story, reddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, #reddit, ask reddit, reddit posts, reddit Ama, reddit stories 2020,