Part 3 Kent Chats With Former Texas Governor Rick Perry

Kent wraps up his visit with Rick Perry, who talks about his two years as Texas lieutenant governor and his accomplishments as Texas’ longest continuously serving governor. Perry tells us why being Texas governor was the best job he’s ever had, why being Secretary of Energy in the Trump administration was the most interesting, and ticks off some impressive accomplishments at DOE that have made America substantially safer, stronger, and more competitive.

Om Podcasten

Host Kent Hance shares insightful, educational and often hilarious stories from his legendary life as a lawyer, a former U.S. Congressman, a university chancellor, and most notably, a native Texan. With themes ranging from leadership to politics and great friendships with some colorful characters, this podcast is an opportunity for Hance to share some of his rare, behind-the-scenes experiences and to solidify his unofficial title as The Best Storyteller in Texas.