S10 Ep 4 - Vanessa the Autistic Chef's experience of pregnancy and birth

I chat to Vanessa D'Souza, Masterchef semi-finalist, autism and ADHD awareness campaigner, and new mother. We discuss her experience of pregnancy, and why being AuDHD and navigating antenatal care, advice and recommendations can be hugely challenging, and how she prepared for and handled discussions around induction and risk with obstetricians. She tells me about going to almost 43 weeks pregnant and the discussions had with doctors, lack of information and up to date evidence, and how her autism meant she was better clued up than most in order to advocate for herself and her baby! You can find Vanessa on social media @The.Autistic.Chef

Om Podcasten

An informative and casual podcast series by hypnobirthing and antenatal instructor Erin Fung of Better Birth, talking all things, you guessed it, BIRTH! If you’re expecting a baby, or work in birth, listen to experts as we cover topics such as birth stories, postnatal mental health, birth options and even eating your placenta! If you enjoy this podcast, please send thanks buy buying me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/betterbirth Find me on social media at @betterbirthuk Podcast disclaimer: https://www.better-birth.co.uk/termsandconditions