S10 Ep 9 - Nico's birth partner experience & preparation

In this episode I chat to Nico, the husband of my previous guest and client Anna! He speaks about his experience of her first pregnancy and birth, the trauma of the lack of empathic and informed care and support, and the helplessness he felt as a birth partner, which led them both to book on a course with me. He explains the impact of being educated had on their second pregnancy and birth, and shares his pearls of wisdom on the key things a birth partner should do to be the best support they can be. In Nico's words: "I'm Nico, father to two wonderful children, both of whom came into the world under very different circumstances. The first pregnancy was riddled with misinformation and coercion, and for the second we wanted to be even more prepared. There is not a wealth of information available on how the birth partner can be of help, so I wanted to share my experience of the two pregnancies, what I learned, what are some red flags, and how best to help your person carrying your baby."

Om Podcasten

An informative and casual podcast series by hypnobirthing and antenatal instructor Erin Fung of Better Birth, talking all things, you guessed it, BIRTH! If you’re expecting a baby, or work in birth, listen to experts as we cover topics such as birth stories, postnatal mental health, birth options and even eating your placenta! If you enjoy this podcast, please send thanks buy buying me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/betterbirth Find me on social media at @betterbirthuk Podcast disclaimer: https://www.better-birth.co.uk/termsandconditions