The status of ethnic diversity on FTSE boards | David Tyler, Chair The Parker Review

Send us a textThe status of ethnic diversity on FTSE Boards It is five years since the 2017 publication of the first report into Ethnic Diversity of UK boards by Sir John Parker and the Parker Review Steering Committee. Over the last five years, we have seen changes in diversity and inclusion, and it is a huge success that as of today, 94 FTSE100 companies have met the target. But while much has been achieved, there can be no grounds for complacency, and it is clear that more needs to ha...

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The Better Boards podcast series is the podcast for Chairs, CEOs, Non-Executive Directors, Company Secretaries, and their advisors. Every episode is filled with practical insights and learnings from those inside the boardrooms. We tease out what really matters and highlight actionable steps you can take to enhance the performance of your board.