#16: Romans, Part 6 (Rom 2:17-29)

In this episode, Matt continues the journey through Romans 2, this time addressing vv. 17-29. The discussion centers around Israel's calling to be a light to the nations and how, due to her sin, Israel has not fulfilled this God-given mission. In fact, according to Paul, not only has Israel not glorified God's name among the nations, but her sin (and exile) has caused God's name to be dishonored among the nations -- despite the fact that Israel has boasted in Torah, believing it to be the source of truth and wisdom. Given that Israel is called to be a blessing, bringing the nations back to God (Genesis 12:1-3), Paul envisions a scenario in which this does happen -- though in a way that does not include performing works of the Torah (e.g., circumcision of the flesh). Paul's vision is, perhaps, controversial: covenant membership is about circumcision of the heart. And yet, Matt shows how this idea is not novel to Paul, for the Torah and the Prophets testify to this truth. In this episode, listeners get a glimpse of Paul's Messiah-centered, yet Torah-immersed, vision of what it means to be a covenant member of the family of God. + + + Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with others! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheBibleUnmuted www.matthewhalsted.com

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In this podcast, author and professor Matthew Halsted helps listeners understand the Bible in light of its ancient cultural and literary context. These episodes dig deep into the world of Scripture, theology, interpretation, and religion. But don't worry: it's not all cerebral. Each episode comes with practical insights to help listeners walk away with something meaningful and applicable from a Christian worldview. Some episodes are standalone, while others are part of a longer series. Many episodes feature guests (e.g., authors and speakers) who offer their insights into a particular topic.