#24: Questions and Answers 2

In this episode, Matt address two listeners questions about eschatology: (1) What does it mean to "watch" and "wait" for Jesus' future return in the current day? And (2) when the Bible says God will save Christians from "wrath," how does this square with the view that says there will be no rapture? Both questions are fantastic, and the various biblical texts explored in this episode make for intriguing conversations and further discussion as we think about eschatology. Submit your questions to: https://matthewhalsted.com/contact/ + + + Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with others! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheBibleUnmuted www.matthewhalsted.com

Om Podcasten

In this podcast, author and professor Matthew Halsted helps listeners understand the Bible in light of its ancient cultural and literary context. These episodes dig deep into the world of Scripture, theology, interpretation, and religion. But don't worry: it's not all cerebral. Each episode comes with practical insights to help listeners walk away with something meaningful and applicable from a Christian worldview. Some episodes are standalone, while others are part of a longer series. Many episodes feature guests (e.g., authors and speakers) who offer their insights into a particular topic.