#3: How to read the Bible faithfully: Three things to keep in mind

In this episode, Matthew talks about reading the Bible faithfully. What things should we keep in mind when we read Scripture? Does a person need to know the original context? If so, how does the original context relate to the interpreter's modern context? Can we read Scripture without bringing our presuppositions to it? Does applying Scripture to our unique situation play a role in our understanding of Scripture? In many ways, this episode only scratches the surface when it addresses these (and other) questions. But it provides listeners a launching point for thinking about how to read Scripture rightly, carefully, and faithfully.  +++ If you like this podcast, please consider subscribing and sharing with others. www.matthewhalsted.com

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In this podcast, author and professor Matthew Halsted helps listeners understand the Bible in light of its ancient cultural and literary context. These episodes dig deep into the world of Scripture, theology, interpretation, and religion. But don't worry: it's not all cerebral. Each episode comes with practical insights to help listeners walk away with something meaningful and applicable from a Christian worldview. Some episodes are standalone, while others are part of a longer series. Many episodes feature guests (e.g., authors and speakers) who offer their insights into a particular topic.