8 x 1k plus 4 / 6 x 400 with Hot Boys Athletics - The Big Run Episode 145

Hello and welcome to The Big Run. It’s a crisp February evening at Paddington recreation ground in London. Im here to meet members of Hot Boys, an all women’s running collective who were linking up for their weekly session. Founded by Kimiko Ninomiya, the group meets every Wednesday for a track session to help them towards their running goals while connecting them with other Women who share the same goals. From seasoned marathoners to relative first timers all women and all abilities are welcome Tonight it’s 8 x 1k with some 400s to close things out as several members target spring marathons. A big thank you to Kimiko, Feyisola, Maddie, Flo, Sarah, Lisa and all the incredible members of the group for allowing me to come down and document the session and To Arran McAskill for the imagery that accompanies this episode. 

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Running is big. Elite athletes, records, technology, cutting edge gear. But it’s big for the people who lace up, head out and grab some miles. Day in, Day out. Whether it’s making it around the block, your first mile unbroken, feeling part of a community, clearer in your head or breaking what’s physically possible. Every Run is The Big Run. Join Danny on The Big Run podcast as he chats to friends, athletes, entrepreneurs, innovators, psychologists, creatives and many more in the world of running, movement and beyond.