Show them what you can do - On manifesting, conquering injury and relishing a return to running with Rachel McArthur - The Big Run Episode 138

Hello and welcome back to the big run today's guest is Rachel McArthur Rachel is an 800m, 1500m and mile runner who had an incredible run back in march of last year at the NCAA Div 1 indoor championships with a 4:33 for the mile. However injury has caused some setbacks and she has been building back safely and slowly ready to return and show what she is capable of. In this conversation, we track through her running journey, why the mile is one of her favourite disciplines, why injury can be a lonely place and why running on a treadmill when the weather is nasty does not make you weak!

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Running is big. Elite athletes, records, technology, cutting edge gear. But it’s big for the people who lace up, head out and grab some miles. Day in, Day out. Whether it’s making it around the block, your first mile unbroken, feeling part of a community, clearer in your head or breaking what’s physically possible. Every Run is The Big Run. Join Danny on The Big Run podcast as he chats to friends, athletes, entrepreneurs, innovators, psychologists, creatives and many more in the world of running, movement and beyond.