BLE43 – S3 – Nicole Phillips Interview and The Blacklist Comic Book

From an internship at Bad Robot Studios to the man with the fedora, Nicole Phillips has had an amazing career in the television business. But sometimes writers don't always get to see their stories and characters come to life on the small screen. Using her knowledge and time spent with the comic "Beyond The Fringe", situated in the same universe as Fox Television's Fringe, she approached the powers that be on The Blacklist to explore some of those characters and connections to Red that never made it to air

Om Podcasten

The Blacklist Exposed, the 2017 Academy of Podcasters Award Winning TV and Film Podcast, looks at the world of Raymond Reddington and all his criminal exploits on Sony Picture Television's hit show, The Blacklist. With weekly episode analysis, in season interviews from Megan Boone and the cast, as well as discussions with the crew and creator Jon Bokenkamp himself, Troy and Aaron make this the one place for post show theories and analysis including thoughts from YOU! What are you waiting for? Subscribe today before you end up on The Blacklist!