Trust in Humans and AI: A Complex Relationship Shaped by Our Past, Present, and Future

This article has been published by Dennis Hillemann on the website In the rapidly evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. From digital assistants like Siri and Alexa to complex algorithms that shape our social media feeds, AI is now embedded in various aspects of our daily routine. As we continue to rely on these intelligent systems, the question of trust arises: can we truly trust AI? And how does this trust compare to the trust we place in our fellow humans?

Om Podcasten

The innovative podcast on disruptive technologies, politics and the law of the 21st century. Dennis Hillemann discusses with his guests how we must change our minds, our politics and our legislation to fully adapt the possibilities of new technologies to make this a better world for all of us. Explaining tech simply and to the point, Dennis dives deep into the tensions between technology and law. He aims for a broader acceptance of basic law rules when it comes to technology and wants to spread the news: We all must change minds and regulations now.