Episode 79: Coming back in January 2021 with a renewed focus

I let my podcasting slip in November because a bunch of stuff kinda came together at once: I was doing more paid work (good), I turned 40 (jury's still out), I got remarried (good), I bought a house (good/jury's still out), etc. I needed to pay more attention to what I was doing here, and I didn't, in part because my audience wasn't huge or anything. So, I'm gonna be back in January 2021 with a renewed focus on discussions about adulthood and transitions, friendships and relationships, etc... as opposed to going into work or other topics. I might hit up stuff about male friendships too, as that's clearly near and dear to my heart. I know 2020 has been a weird year for many. Enjoy the end of it. Do your best. The sun shall rise again. 

Om Podcasten

An examination of what happens to people between 25 and 45 or so: Marriage, kids, divorces, aging parents, career adjustments, new homes, and the like.