James Mustich

This episode features a very special conversation, as the podcast's former Executive Producer James Mustich takes a turn in the guest chair, joining us to talk about the marvelous work he spent years – mostly nights and weekends – composing. 1000 Books to Read Before You Die is, as its subtitle notes, a life-changing list, but it's a lot more than that. Each entry gets its own gemlike mini-essay, a quick peek at why Mustich thinks a particular book deserves your time, and from Absalom, Absalom! to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the subjects, styles and moods are all over the map. In this episode we take a look inside this celebration of reading and the endless universes the bookshelf offers us to explore.

Om Podcasten

We're no longer producing new episodes of this show, but you can find us now at Poured Over on Apple Podcasts. Every author has a story beyond the one that they put down on paper. The Barnes & Noble Podcast goes between the lines with today's most interesting writers, exploring what inspires them, what confounds them, and what they were thinking when they wrote the books we’re talking about.