Julie Gaines

Today on the B&N Podcast we're talking about a place where business, family, and an iconic New York City institution meet.  Our guest is Julie Gaines, the co-founder of the groundbreaking store Fish's Eddy — where vintage plates, bowls and cups salvaged from a vanishing America find a new life in the kitchens and dining rooms of New Yorkers . She joined us to talk about her new book Minding the Store: A Big Story about a Small Business.  It's a story about putting your dreams into action, about what happens when you take a completely original idea and make it a reality.  It's also about what happens when you can't extricate your family life from your business, for better or for worse.  True to her nature, Julie Gaines put a family member to work in creating this unique book, which takes the form of a Graphic Memoir charmingly illustrated by her son Ben Lenovitz.  When she joined us in the studio, we started by talking about a subject that the author may know better than anybody: the surprising appeal of dishes.

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We're no longer producing new episodes of this show, but you can find us now at Poured Over on Apple Podcasts. Every author has a story beyond the one that they put down on paper. The Barnes & Noble Podcast goes between the lines with today's most interesting writers, exploring what inspires them, what confounds them, and what they were thinking when they wrote the books we’re talking about.